Data Visualization
Supported Plot Types
Bar Chart
- Use When: conveying discrete counts of data over time.
- Data Set Support: Single, Multiple
- Stackable: Yes
Line Chart
- Use When: conveying continuous data over time.
- Data Set Support: Single, Multiple
- Stackable: No
Area Chart
- Use When: comparing the quantities of two or more datasets over time.
- Data Set Support: Multiple
- Stackable: Yes
- Use When: conveying the overall trend of a single dataset over time. Provides limited detail and no interactivity.
- Data Set Support: Single, Single + Previous Period
- Stackable: No
- Use When: conveying a single metric or data point at a given moment in time.
- Data Set Support: Single
- Stackable: No
Color Usage
- Qualitative Palette: Use when you want to distinguish discrete chunks of data that do not have an inherent ordering.
- Sequential Palette: Use when visualizing data that ranges from low intensity/interest values to high intensity/interest values.
- Diverging Palette: Use when visualizing data where both low and high values/changes in value are interesting.
Chart Conventions
Data Sets
No one chart should allow more than six data sets in order to preserve legibility.
The x-axis should render ticks based on the width the chart is being rendered at. All charts should have a minimum of 4 x-axis ticks at their smallest size.
The y-axis should always render three ticks: min, median, and max values.
Chart Collections/Dashboards
Our product makes frequent use of dashboards, which compose multiple charts into a single view to support operational monitoring and investigation. When multiple charts coexist on a page, there are special considerations around coordinating behavior and interaction:
- Time or Date Range controls should govern all charts on the page. If a user updates the time/date range on a dashboard, all timeseries charts on the page should be updated to reflect the new rage.
- Hover events on one timeseries chart affect all timeseries charts. If a user hovers over a coordinate on one chart, hover styling and horizontal bar markers should be updated for the same coordinate across all charts.
- Brush events on one timeseries chart affect all timeseries charts. If a user brushes to zoom into an area on one chart, the time/date range should be updated across all charts, and should be reflected in the time/date range control.